Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 18.09.20 

“Let each one remain with God in that state in which (s)he was called.” (1 Corinthians 7 v 24)

The mystery of the holy Trinity, our election,

Shapes the beauty, majesty and glory

Of life’s very identity, which is that of love.

Such love, life offering love, perfect love,

That love which is holy,

The love of the Father gifted us,

In the Son, by the Spirit, is made possible thankfully.

This love erases all that impairs it.

This love shared with us by means of the Jesus’ †,

This love is the truest, fullest love known.

“...for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things; and we exist for Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.” (1 Corinthians 8 v 6) This love is known as shown to humanity by the Lord Jesus,

Temporarily shedding His divinity

To become one like us, but perfectly holy.

We learn this when taught by the Spirit.

The Spirit of love blesses us fully,

He enriches our life by the love of the Lord Jesus,

He who reveals the mercy of God.

Why else the † if not for our sake,

To undertake our new life, underway as we pray.

The Spirit of prayer promotes holy, all loving care.

“For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance...” (1 Thessalonians 1 v 5)

He shares with us the friendship of the Lord Jesus,

Son of God, Word of the Father, our faith’s Alpha.

True happiness is discovered in living with an eternal purpose,

That which by the Spirit, the Lord Jesus reveals to us.

For the purpose of God put on our heart,

Fused into our mind, is totally blessed.

For all, by all who are possessed by the Saviour,

Enlightened by His preaching, teaching and work of ministry.

In Jesus, by the Spirit, we gain all we need to become holy,

Living as one family, fully united in love.

“And you became followers ...of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy in the Holy Spirit and you became examples to all...” (1 Thessalonians 1 v 7)

Fully aware of our new identity and blessed destiny,

A home in eternity, according to the Lord God’s mercy.

This is not a pie in the sky, impossible reality.

For we are called to find strength of character against worldly ways,

To develop perseverance in the face of adversity,

To face up to our own entrenched iniquities,

Resolve firmly to conquer these difficulties,

By striving after purity, upholding mercy, repenting for our inadequacy,

And always but always, rejoicing in the friendship of Christ Jesus.

He who, by the Holy Spirit, makes each of us into His blessing.

Blessed to be one human family living to give of God’s love.

“We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers...” (1 Thessalonians 1 v 2) “...remembering without ceasing your works of faith, labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord

Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father, knowing beloved brothers and sisters, your election by God.” (1 Thessalonians 1 v 3, 4 )

Dearest Father, let us live the life of worship we offer You through the Lord Jesus, highly , fully motivated by the power of holy love, the Holy Spirit in vibrant action, that all glory be to the holy Trinity.

Bring us to the fullness of Your love for us, as modelled perfectly by the life of the Lord Jesus. May the Spirit ever help and inspire us to emulate Him as best we can.

Thank You that the Holy Spirit is always at work to make us into the very best version of ourselves continuously, day by blessed day, and not only when it suits us.

We truly rejoice in the Lord Jesus’ victory at the †, His conquest over sin and death, an eternal joy awaiting  us. “Save us, O LORD our God and gather us from among the heathen peoples,” for “Christ in us is

the hope of glory.” (Psalm 106 v 47)

It is in our new life in the Lord Jesus, “To give thanks to Your holy name, to triumph in Your praise.

Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting! And let all the people say, ‘Amen’! Praise the LORD!” (v 48)

May our election, our calling ever be blessed richly by the Lord Jesus, as we call on His and Your anointing Spirit appointing us to tasks according to our skills, time and resources. Let us not fail to hear the direction.

Basically our election for everybody is to become holy, so we make our way home to heaven’s eternity in the joyous fellowship of the holy Trinity. May we be enabled to deliver the gospel message convincingly, because this is done lovingly.

What a power of love is offered us, such a deep, abiding, personal love, thank You, that love which sets us free from satan’s cruel bondage, allowing us the liberty of being Your chosen and becoming Your family

possessed by the Lord Jesus, holy Father.

Let us remember, when faced with challenge, or setback, or difficulty, to seek the strength, support, help, correction, guidance, knowledge and wisdom the Holy Spirit offers us through the Lord Jesus’ friendship, for

herein is our truest worship.

How special it is to know we are one in our spirit, when praying to seek, find and reverence You Father, through the Lord Jesus, according to all the Spirit shows us, tells us or asks of us. He is indeed the Spirit of

love, of compassion and of solace, comforting us when life gets tough.

Thank You that the Holy Spirit makes Your concerns regarding the life of holiness we must seek as Your elect, Your called, evident to us through the words and actions of the Lord Jesus, then for us to emulate.

May we develop through prayer, the desire and will to fully know You in this way, not allowing worldly thoughts, philosophies, notions to mar our way forwards. We have to learn to focus on Jesus.

He tells us He is Your way to live, Your truth to live by, Your life to offer as our worship, all with holiness in mind. Thank You, that knowing only too well our weaknesses, the Master sends His holy help in the Spirit.

The Spirit of love comes in all power as we pray and ask for this to happen. Lord, keep us praying, dependent upon the Spirit’s godly good outcome. Make us an outgoing, prayerful people of peace, longing to mirror the love we each have received.

I ask this in the glorious name of Jesus, Lord of love, assured that “(S)he who overcomes the world, is the one who knows that Jesus is Your Son,” (based on 1 John 5 v 5) lives by this, striving to fulfil our election and calling to be one holy family, and succeeding by ever obeying the Spirit. Thank You for all the ensuing blessings. Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood


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