Sue O’Donnell. 09.08.20
“May the peace of God, which is so much greater than we can understand, guard our hearts and our thoughts in Christ Jesus.” (based on Philippians 4 v 7)
Our truest happiness is in Christ Jesus,
He is God’s Son, the holy One, peace between God and us,
Ever living amongst us by the Holy Spirit,
The Spirit of profound, newly found wisdom,
And the Spirit, through whom we inherit
The truth made plain to us by Christ Jesus.
“He shall stand and feed His flock
In the strength of the LORD,” (Micah 5 v 4) which is love
Come directly from our Father in heaven above.
“In the majesty of the name of the LORD His God” (Cont)
And our God, all thanks to that which the Spirit
Reaches out to us, in order to teach us.
“Now He who establishes us with You in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our heart as a guarantee.” (2 Corinthians 1 v 21, 22)
“And they shall abide in Christ Jesus...”
“For now He shall be great to the ends of the earth” (Cont)
To all of us who believe in Jesus as Saviour,
Who approach Him the Messiah Lord,
As God’s appointed, anointed King of Glory,
“And this One should be peace,” (Cont) our release,
Our rescue from sinfulness through forgiveness
As manifest by the extraordinary love of Jesus.
Yes, ever our Saviour, He is our truest happiness.
For He is God’s every promise to us, fulfilled.
“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord...who called us by glory and virtue, by whom have been given to us great and precious promises, that through these You may be partakers of the divine nature...” (2 Peter 1 v 2, 3, 4)
“For all the promises of God in Him are yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.”
(2 Corinthians 1 v 20)
Lord God, You bless us in all things that are being made holy through the prized work of the Spirit, drawing us ever closer to the Lord Jesus in friendship. Thank You so much.
The joy of this experience is our strengthening in faith, our learning to trust in You, our development in dependency because You show us such mercy.
It is said “The Lord will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy,” (Job 8 v 21 NIV) and this is our experience in the Spirit, devoting us to be a follower of Jesus.
Our Lord and Saviour, the Master, such a charismatic Teacher, shows us those precepts of Yours, dearest Father, which are life giving, enlightening.
Our Saviour reveals by the Spirit all holy wisdom and truth to us, and we are righteously proud to possess this virtue to help steer us through life.
You protect us from all that is dangerous, in spite of satan holding the keys to this world. “You have made known to us the path of life, O Lord!” (Psalm 16 v 11 NIV the singular person changed to plural)
It is as we walk His path, each day accompanied by the Lord Jesus because Your Spirit of love wondrously gifts this, that we find joy, real joy.
“You will fill us with joy in Your presence” (Cont) the past put behind us, the present fully blessed, the future sanctified by the “Eternal pleasure at Your right hand.” (Cont)
The risen and ascended Lord Jesus, having returned to His rightful place and position in heaven, is King over us, maintaining by the Holy Spirit, His earthly territory.
We make up this earthly kingdom and rejoice to do so. Originally hidden from us, we find by means of the Spirit, the greatest treasure in life, that of the promises of Jesus, all fulfilled.
I do not know how to thank You sufficiently Father God, except to say that in meeting Jesus personally, the Spirit introducing us, “That joy is mine, and it is now complete.” (John 3 v 29 NIV)
Complete in the sense of my hope is fixed on heaven. Complete also in the sense of peace we gain by knowing You forgive us at the † of Jesus’ sacrifice.
We have been taught such a vital truth, and love all holy truths, the Spirit enables our understanding and insight into this, agitating us until we take notice.
“ ‘As the Father has loved Me’,” Jesus tells us, “ ‘So have I loved you’.” How amazing! “ ‘Now remain in my love’.” (John 15 v 9 NIV) May the Spirit empower our faith’s endurance and application.
We are told that we will remain in Jesus’ love if we obey His commands, just as He remained in Your love Father, by being fully obedient to You. May the Spirit who helps correct all our faults and failings, ever help
with this.
It is of the highest importance for us to become as much like Jesus in outlook and behaviour as we can, for then we are assured “ ‘My joy may be in You and Your joy may be complete’.” (v 11)
Jesus is the joy of life, knowing Him, following Him, honouring Him, loving Him, that we may delight and esteem You, dearest Father of love and mercy.
You are our Provider, Protector and in all things our safekeeper, “Filling our hearts with joy” (Acts 14 v 1 NIV) and an expectant hope, deep peace and real purpose for living.
“In You our hearts rejoice for we trust in Your holy name,” (based on Psalm 33 v 21 NIV) as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God of merciful love, complete in Three Persons, a concept beyond our full understanding.
But we learn that Your ways are not our ways, we meet with the Lord Jesus, we call out to the Holy Spirit, and we become blessed by a keen faith. Thank You so much.
Your love, the hope You give, the peace You develop and the joy You offer us are our delight, especially the hope of heaven which we have been freely given, satan banished from our life.
“Jesus said ‘I will see you again and you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy’,” (John 16 v 22 NIV)enabling our faith to become a confident expectation and a decided hope.
“We rejoice in the hope of Your glory” (based on Romans 5 v 2) Lord God, the Lord Jesus living in us, all thanks to the industrious Spirit, the life Changer, telling us by means of our Brother to “Rejoice that our
names are written in heaven.” (based on Luke 10 v 20 NIV)
In the meantime, as we journey home “May You Lord God, the God of hope, fill us with all joy and peace as we trust in You,” (based on Romans 15 v 13 NIV) delight to know the Lord Jesus and receive of His
and Your Spirit.
As life is being made holy through us living in the Lord Jesus, our daily life touched by the Spirit of purity, we rejoice, to be set free from satan.
For all that You are as a Trinity, our hope, our peace, our joy and for all that You do as a Trinity of the most profound love and mercy, we praise and thank You, Lord God of our peace.
Never, ever do You fail us. May we then never fail You, but abide by Your rule of love and in Your love, life will flourish richly. Thank You for everything, as You are our Father, Saviour and Sanctifier. Amen.