Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 05.10.20 

“Accept humbly the seed of God’s Word that has been planted in your heart, for this can save you.”

(James 1 v 21 The Truth)

The Sacred Heart of the Lord Jesus,

And all His infinite merits,

Were sacrificed for us at the †.

But all thanks, all praise, all glory ever be,

These were not lost,

But remain to God’s glory eternally.

For we, the Lord Jesus’ family,

When consecrated by the Holy Spirit,

Become one with our Saviour.

Heaven touches earth in the Lord Jesus.

“Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth shall spring out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yes, the LORD will give what is good...”

(Psalm 85 v 10, 11, 12)

The Lord Jesus’ body given us in the sacred Mystery,

Has throughout history, since the †of victory,

Touched us in a way most remarkable.

We are transformed by the renewing of our mind.

We find we want nothing other

Than to offer the love of our Saviour.

We rejoicing so to do, through the Holy Spirit,

He who in the Holy Eucharist acted

Not only to transubstantiate the wafer of bread,

So we are fed on the real presence of Jesus.

“ ‘I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, (s)he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh which I shall give for the life of the world’.” (John 6 v 51)

The Holy Spirit changed the fruit of the vine.

The work of human hands becomes miraculously,

That blood of Christ Jesus as poured out at the †of victory.

The result is the opportunity to worship fully.

We offer ourselves to our Father,

United to the love of the Lord Jesus

And all His merits of pure holiness,

Doing this by calling upon the Spirit.

We ask the Spirit to sanctify our efforts,

To unite us to the Saviour, our Brother.

“You need to do what He (the Lord God) says ...The person who takes seriously what God commands us to do enjoys freedom. (S)he continues to obey because (s)he does not forget what (s)he has heard, and so is blessed in what (s)he does.” (James 1 v 23, 25)

So we too, desire, pray and persevere to become holy.

We ask forgiveness for all we damage,

Reliant upon our Father’s mercy as offered by Jesus.

We pray asking for all the help necessary

To be conformed to the will of Jesus, ever holy,

Calling on the sanctifying Spirit to consecrate us,

That one day, we know not how far away,

We will be united together with our Saviour Brother,

For all eternity, overwhelmed by joy in the holy company.

But for now, we have to be made worthy by living in Jesus.

Our rebirth is the result of God’s love and mercy.

“As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name...” (John 1 v 12)

“...who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1 v 13)

May we therefore “In the light of the wonderful mercy God has shown us, give our bodies to God in living sacrifice, doing what is holy and pleasing to Him,” (Romans 12 v 1 The Truth) because we begin and continue to live through Christ Jesus.

We pray to harvest in abundance the good fruit of God’s love and mercy, able to change us, making us less selfish and more loving and forgiving, generous in our offering of time, skills and support to improve the

quality of life.

Thank You for the Lord Jesus’ promise that whoever lives in Him remains there, not diverted by the world, the flesh, nor the devil, and will bear fruit in plenty in their Christian service.

To become fruitful, we first need a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus. Therefore I ask for this grace and blessing to happen to many, for their life will change radically, always for the better when influenced by the Spirit, who is love and mercy at work.

May the Holy Spirit in teaching us to reach out for the Lord Jesus, bring light out of darkness, and healing and wholeness out of brokenness, for the Lord Jesus is the Divine Healer.

The Gospel of life is life lived in the fullness of Jesus’ company where hope to find life’s meaning becomes a reality, when we discover the Gospel of Life as shown us by our Saviour Brother and adhere to this.

May we no longer take the wrong path in life, living self-centredly. It is foolhardy to live without our Saviour at the helm. Jesus is the Light of Life for His way is marked by wisdom and truth and will be challenging for us.

Thank You for sending us the life changing Spirit, He who like the Lord Jesus, offers us the fullness of life, when graced and guided entirely by His efforts. May the Spirit reform the errors of our ways, conforming us

to give witness to the Gospel of Life, which is life led by Jesus.

Our Saviour is the life giving Mentor, His and Your Spirit, the Advocate dearest Father of many a mercy.

May we be enabled to reform all the errors of our ways by always heeding the Spirit of holiness, whose help is invaluable to us.

I believe “You are my Lord, my happiness is in none of the sacred spirits of the earth,” the misleading ideas of New Age or nature worship. “They may take advantage of all who love them,” (Psalm 26 v 2,3, TNJB) leading us far, far astray. Evil has no part in Your gospel message, Lord God. 

Thank You for Your rescue plan as implemented by the Lord Jesus.

We must allow our Saviour’s words to dwell in our hearts and upon our minds, making us wise in all circumstances, praying with thanksgiving for the help we readily receive, all prayer being answered. In times

of weakness send us Your Spirit of wisdom.

The Gospel of Life invites us to rejoice in Your loving care as we are made whole to become holy. May our life be righteous in Your sight and pleasingly godly, as we take the opportunity for a new start in the Lord Jesus, through whom no one is condemned.

We must turn to the Lord Jesus for help and healing whatever our need, for He alone can make our wellbeing thrive. Thank You for granting us a Divine Healer, sins’ Redeemer, One who longs to make us whole,

restoring and refreshing us as the Holy Spirit traces a likeness to our Brother upon us.

Love, mercy, justice, peace, patience, tolerance, acceptance and kindness need to be ours so as to live according to the Gospel of Life. I pray to “Behave wisely in a perfect way”. (Psalm 101 v 2) I pray for us all to live according to the Lord Jesus’ highest standards.

We must seek to have a perfect heart, not to entertain wickedness, and to therefore be careful as to satan’s deceits. I ask that “A perverse heart shall depart from me. I will not know wickedness.” (Psalm 101 v 4)

Lord, please help me to be a humble pupil ready to learn and put into practise all it is the Spirit helps me to know.

Thank You for the faithfulness and truth which are such a blessing to us. Lord, You as a Trinity are “Goodness and Your mercy is everlasting, for Your truth endures to all generations,” (based on Psalm 100 v 5) as we are invited to be one family.

I ask that all believers in the Gospel of Life, as set out by the Lord Jesus and implemented by the Holy Spirit, may enable us to keep on the right path and not stray.

Thank You dearest Father, for the unsurpassed joy of sharing our life with Your Son, by Your Spirit, when we work to develop a clear mind and heart free from all sinfulness. This is the power of Your love at work.

May we always pray to seek after and enjoy a glorious sense of the presence of Jesus as Your Word of Life and offer of love and mercy, preparing us for heaven.

Then one day, having lived to Your honour and delight, we hope to “Enter into Your gates with thanksgiving and into Your courts with praise, being thankful to You and blessing Your name.” (based on Psalm 100 v 4)

We should have ample cause to celebrate a life well lived, all thanks to the companionship of the Lord Jesus and the loving, protective guidance of the Holy Spirit. All praise, all glory ever be to the Almighty Trinity, for gifting us the Gospel of Life to rejoice in, now and eternally. What mercy we have known!

“Since we are receiving a kingdom, that cannot be shaken” unless we turn away from the teaching and leading of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, God forbid! “Let us have grace by which we serve God

acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” (Hebrews 12 v 28)

For then the Gospel of Life as set out for us, will not only bless and benefit us endlessly, life will be as it was meant to be, gloriously free and truly happy, all thanks to the life building Trinity. We “Obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.” (2 Timothy 2 v 10) Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood


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