Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 31.08.20 

“Oh come, let us sing to the LORD!” (Psalm 95 v 1)

Jesus is Lord and Word,

He is Life, our King,

All praises sing!

Jesus is wisdom and truth,

He is God’s Son,

The One to depend upon.

Jesus is Master and Saviour,

The answer to life’s difficulty,

Pray and see.

Jesus is Friend and Brother,

The holy One to discover,

Rejoice in this.

Jesus is hope and peace

All sin’s released at His †,

satan’s loss.

Jesus is joy, being love

Direct from above,

Esteem Him!

Jesus is life to us,

Leading us homewards,

Be joyous!

Jesus is our Father’s Son,

The perfectly holy One,

Rely on Him.

Jesus is the praise

Offering to send His Spirit.

Benefit from this.

Jesus is life to us,

Life gifted purpose,

Amaze at this.

Jesus is our holiness,

And will happiness bring,

Yes, all praises sing!

“Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.” (Psalm 95 v 1, 2)

“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” (Psalm 95 v 6, 7)

Dearest Father, You have made Jesus as Lord, as Saviour, as Word, as the Alpha and Omega of our faith,

our everything. Who is Jesus? Jesus is the King of Glory.

“For the LORD is the great God, and the great King above all gods.” (Psalm 95 v 3) In Your mercy You call us to holiness through the Lord Jesus, as Your Spirit is gifted us.

“Give to the LORD, O families of the people.” (Psalm 96 v 7) Let us give You ourselves, warts and all for healing, for redemption in the Lord Jesus, the Spirit active with us.

“Give to the LORD glory and strength” (Cont) by the Lord Jesus, the Lord of love being alive in us to secure, maintain and extend, by the Spirit, the heavenly kingdom upon earth.

“Bring an offering and come into His courts.” (v 8) An offering of self with nothing held back, therefore no room for satan to continue to lay claim to us, for our allegiance is to Jesus.

“Oh worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” (v 9) which is the fruit of the Spirit.

As Jesus is our holiness, there is no other way, let us continually pray for an abundant harvest grown by the Spirit of Jesus, Your very own Spirit, Lord God.

I ask that all believers in Jesus pray to daily live by the Spirit, so as to avoid the time of our clamouring self will, the intruding world with all its false values and the deceitful trickster, satan.

May we emulate the Lord Jesus as fully as possible, fruitful in our Christian service, abounding in “Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control.” (Galatians 5 v 22, 23)

I ask in Jesus’ name for He is the Prince of Peace as well as being the King of Glory, and our world stands in great need of this peace which so blesses us, it passes all understanding.

Who is Jesus? Jesus is fullness of life to us, a life richly blessed by the Holy Spirit, to experience hope, peace and joy, all in the power of holy love, praise ever be as we sit in the silence, rejoicing to be able to pray. Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood


Key Themes



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