Sue O’Donnell 01.10.20
“He has made an eternal covenant with me, all in order, well assured, does He not bring to fruition my
every victory and desire?” (2 Samuel 23 v 5 TNJB)
When we seek, God will speak.
What do you think the narrative of Sacred Scripture is for?
Why did the Holy Spirit work zealously century by century
To record the mystery of the love of the Trinity?
God does seek to find us through the Lord Jesus,
The One He has appointed as His living Word.
Jesus, the Son of God is full of the Holy Spirit,
That He reveals God’s purpose in speaking to us.
“...the Word was with God and the Word was God...As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1 v 1, 2)
Jesus speaks in all godly wisdom and truth.
His impact upon the first disciples was dramatic.
So much so, they have faithfully recorded for posterity
Personal accounts of their relationship with Jesus.
And the result of this is wise counsel given, recorded by letters.
What a goldmine of information for us!
You have a problem, an anxiety, a difficulty?
Look in the bible and study to find an answer.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness...” (2 Timothy 3 v 16)
Pray as you read and ask for enlightening.
Allow the Spirit to move upon your mind,
Or your heart, imagination, will and conscience.
Be aware of all that is stirring within You.
Is this a blessing or a warning?
It helps to record your thoughts and feelings,
To keep a journal of your prayer life,
All that you share with the Father,
Approaching His mercy through Jesus’ † of forgiveness.
“God who is rich in mercy because of His great love with which He held us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ, by grace you have been saved.” (Ephesians 2 v 4, 5)
Act as recommended and developed by the Holy Spirit.
Pray, praise. Listen, wait. Pray some more,
For God’s answers are not a penny in the slot machine,
Whereby an answer pops up immediately.
You may well have to wait a while.
Carefully, cautiously, leisurely ever is God’s style.
He will speak with you when He judges you to be ready.
In the meantime, keep your faith steady,
By praying with asking yes, but equally importantly
Is praying with praise in adoration, admiration expressed.
“I will praise You, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will praise Your name, O Most High.” (Psalm 9 v 1, 2 NIV)
Plus of course, expressing contrition when you have erred,
Strayed by disregarding the holy precepts set before us.
And always remember the conquest at the †.
Name, proclaim the Lord Jesus as Your Saviour,
The One who, by the Holy Spirit ever at work with us,
Will ‘lead us home to heaven by journeying with us’.
Pray, relax. Pray, ask and accept the answer trustingly.
“You will keep him (her) in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because (s)he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever. For in YAH, the LORD is everlasting strength.” (Isaiah 26 v 3, 4)
Be this answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘not as yet’ still pray!
Pray, surrender. Pray, submit. Pray, admit your frailty.
Pray yearn. Pray, learn. Pray, yield.
God is near, here in the everyday. Pray!
Ask for society to be richly blessed through prayer,
A special time of blessing descending directly from heaven.
“Blessed with Your blessing forever.” (2 Samuel 7 v 29 TNJB)
“Exalted be the God of my salvation!...For this I will praise You, Lord God; among the nations and sing praise to Your name.” (2 Samuel 22 v 47, 50 TNJB)
Lord, settle us down quietly in Your holy presence. Prepare our heart, mind and conscience to meet with the stirring of Your Spirit. Let us rejoice to be with You in this special time of worship, not simply coming to You with a shopping list of requests.
Thank You for making prayer a special time for worship as we commit or re-commit to each and every godly aspect of life, shown to us by the Holy Spirit, as through the Lord Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, the
Spirit becomes our Counsellor, an Adviser.
Let us pray with the Bible alongside us, lest the Spirit prompt us to study a particular passage, applying the detail to our life, seeking to love, honour and serve out of love and respect for the Holy Trinity.
May the Holy Spirit develop our prayer as He does share the impact and inspiration of the sacred Scriptures with us. Also, reliably we are told “Whoever is ignorant of the Scriptures is ignorant of Christ.” (St
The Word of God, so vital for the wellbeing of mankind, has made His home amongst us. Glory is to see, adhere to and love the Word made flesh who is Christ Jesus, so as to honour our Father.
May His Word ever be light to us all and very clearly to the Church, so our way forwards is illuminated.
Thank You that we find refreshment and peace in the company of Jesus.
Let the grace of the Lord Jesus ever be with our Spirit, for “The LORD our God will enlighten our darkness...His way is perfect. The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.” (Psalm 18 v 28, 30)
“For who is God, except the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God?” (Psalm 18 v 31 changed to plural) We have none beyond You Father, Lord Jesus and Spirit. You are our life of faith now and forever.
“It is God who arms us with strength and makes our way perfect.” (v 32 changed to plural)
This special time started at Christmas with the incarnation of the Lord Jesus, continued through His life time, involved special blessings at His Passion and Crucifixion.
After three days when our Saviour rose again, He showed us that an essential belief in our faith is the afterlife. What hope this brings us, thank You!
Then after forty days amongst His followers, our Saviour ascended to be glorified forever as Saviour, sending us the teaching Spirit to remind us of all the Lord Jesus taught.
And when an extra special time came upon the world, when the Spirit descended upon the apostles that first Pentecost, turning a band of unsure, frightened men into the world’s most powerful witnesses to the Lord Jesus, the evangelists.
We are a blessed people to live in the ongoing years beyond all these holy happenings. “...receiving the end of our faith – the salvation of our souls.” (based on 1 Peter 1 v 9)
How especially blessed we are, a people, who have benefitted beyond measure for having had the experience of the gospel taught us “ the Holy Spirit sent from heaven.” (1 Peter 1 v 12)
This special time of grace and favour means “Because we have now received this revelation, we need to have the mindsets of those who are ready for action and will be self-controlled in their way of life,” (1
Peter 1 v 13) so the blessings flow.
What grace we have received in the gift of a Saviour, inviting us to share in His holiness, and making this possible by gifting us His very own Spirit, Your Spirit of love, dearest Father.
As we were bought at the highest price of the sacrifice of Your Son, Father God, may we in our endeavours to live in a way which is pleasing to You in all its aspects, glorify You in our body, soul and spirit.
For all thanks ever be for this special time post Pentecost, all believers in the Lord Jesus having lived and died for our benefit, to fit us for heaven, we rejoice.
“Blessed be God...Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man... Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete...Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints.” (The Divine Praises)
We are His good works in progress, all thanks ever be for our salvation. Living in this special time, may we never cease to work and pray as led by the Holy Spirit, sanctifying our efforts.
““One blessing leads to another throughout life for those who live in the Spirit as sent by the Lord Jesus.” (Cont) Lord God, I must continue to plead for mercy and ask for Your grace upon us.
“I ask for myself and those dear to me” and those earnestly seeking to find You, Lord God, “The grace to fulfil perfectly Your holy will, to accept for love of You the joys and sorrows of this
passing life, so that we may one day be united together in heaven for all eternity.” (St Thérèse of Lisieux)
What a most special time that will be in Your heavenly company, all the blessings of holy grace and favour come together forever, all because we have a Saviour and a Sanctifier, Your most precious gift to us, dearest
Father. Amen.