Sue O’Donnell. 20.08.20
“He makes peace in your borders, and fills you with the finest wheat.” (Psalm 147 v 14)
In the finest wheat we meet with God.
God with us, in Jesus, by the Spirit
At work in the miraculous Holy Eucharist.
Only the Spirit who is entirely holy,
Could, would transubstantiate the bread and wine
To make a banquet fit for equipping us,
Enabling us to be prepared for Christian service.
We are invited through mercy to a feast freely given.
The Lord Jesus with us, His body
In an unlikely wafer of bread, how incredulous!
His actual blood too, made ours through wine changed.
The wine becomes a fine, fine offering,
The result of the Lord Jesus’ suffering on the †.
His loss of life, His amazing sacrifice,
Is forever presented to us by our Saviour,
According to the mercy of the Lord God, our Father,
And the miraculous power of the life giving Spirit.
We become united with the power of holy love
By that very same power at work for us.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! ... The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing...” (Philippians 4 v 4, 5, 6)
To be made one with Jesus, oh how truly marvellous!
The work of God’s hand by the Spirit, such a rich blessing
Addressing all the need of the world for salvation.
Salvation is God’s amazing, all loving real plan for man,
As instituted by the Lord Jesus Himself,
The Holy Spirit, Lord of the miraculous ever at work.
United with the Lord Jesus’ presence by the power of holy love,
Such a gift can never in any form be made equal.
There is however a sequel to this miracle.
The Lord Jesus’ presence in us, come to possess us,
Is a connectedness to the One who nourishes us.
Love in all holy power radiates the presence of the Lord Jesus.
An energy of love flows over us, around us,
Seeking to enter us as salvation is God’s promise,
Made to mankind when we find Jesus as Saviour.
The highest gift of God is the Lord Jesus’ real presence,
In the miraculous Eucharistic Lord Jesus ever with us.
He is the daily bread we remain most in need of.
“Give us this day our daily bread – the bread of Your body, the necessary bread to the poor at home and across the world, the bread of truth to this disturbed generation.” (The Global Our Father)
“And forgive us our trespasses – our coldness, our constant failure to reach out to those who are in need – as we forgive those who trespass against us.” (The Global Our Father)
Lord Jesus, at the hands of our Father of mercy, You come to us not just to gift us life, but life in all fullness, that we gain the hope of all of us, the blessing of happiness.
Yours is a full happiness for it is unalloyed, beautiful and eternal, for You are our Saviour according to the power of holy love, a life giving, life enriching love.
Faith in You promises us at the hand of our Father, ever at work through the Spirit, a life of faith which is the fruit of our baptism where we received God’s life.
When we spoil this – sadly all too often and too easily – we can be re-created by the power of holy love through the sacraments of reconciliation, where we express a repentant heart and mind, followed by the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, a saving grace and offer of re-creation.
Thank You dearest Father, for enabling us to live the life of the Spirit, knowing the fruitfulness of “Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control,” (Galatians 5 v 2)
the array of virtues which bless us by godliness.
This fruit is planted and nurtured especially well in the Holy Eucharist, the Spirit, the power of holy love producing and protecting the virtues developed in us as we strive after a likeness to Jesus.
Thank You for the gift of love, joy and peace, for the patience, kindness and goodness required if we are to live a holy life, making us truly happy and the faithfulness, gentleness and self-control which are vital to
develop holiness.
What a gain of love in all its life enhancing holy power! This fruitfulness also benefits us by the gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit, becoming ours to name and claim through the love of Jesus, He who is our Holy
The Lord Jesus in and through the Holy Spirit, coming to bless us by the honour of sharing in the holy Body and Blood, what a power of holy love at work here. Father, Your mercy is amazing, thank You.
Your gift us a holy Brother to inspire us, a true Saviour to redeem us, Your sanctifying Spirit, able even to work miracles and marvels in our everyday life, when we commit this life to Jesus as Lord and Master, the
living and ever abiding Word of God.
By the power of holy love You teach us to look forwards in hope, believing that having granted us the grace to serve You in this life, we will have the eternal joy of claiming You as our Father, through Jesus Christ our
The Lord Jesus lives in us, through us, by the Holy Eucharist, a marvel of grace, the highest, richest, most profound true blessing of godly favour.
What disaster we see, what dross, what misery self imposed as we try to live independently. The world is seriously darkened when without the light to Jesus shining over us. I am sorry for the world’s wrong
Forgive us dearest Father, our every failure to accept the Lord Jesus for who He is , Your Son, and the promise to save us from any and all of our sinfulness. There is no other way. We have to adhere to Jesus.
May the Spirit help with this at all times. We cannot afford to be without His influence of godly love even for a day. May He help us to pray to invite the Lord Jesus into everyday conflicts and challenges.
I ask that fully loved in the Holy Eucharist, we become more humble of heart, trusting in our soul, seeking Jesus’ will and way of life, so as to love, delight and honour You, Lord God, holy Father.
Thank You that “All who believe the good news of Jesus are saved because they are placed in a right relationship with You, regardless of who we are, or what we have done in the past.” (based on Romans 1 v 17). What mercy is at work here in the power of holy love, as salvation is offered us at the †and in the Holy Eucharist.
What a gift, what a grace, what a supreme blessing! Jesus is our life richly redeemed, saved from the hell of final, eternal separation. “It is a matter of faith from beginning to end.” (v 17)
None of our own efforts make us acceptable to You, however hard we work or whatever we do even though it be noble, worthwhile, of worldly acclaim. We have to live by faith in Jesus, supported by the Holy Spirit,
strengthened as often as possible by partaking of holy communion.
Jesus as Lord, is the King of Glory who helps, saves and shields us from satan. The Lord is the eternal power of holy love renewing life beyond death and establishing such mercy.
Thank You that in the Holy Eucharist particularly the Lord Jesus supports us when falling, heals our sickness of sin, frees us when in bondage to satan, renewing life beyond death. We have a Saviour!
Our union with Jesus as Saviour, secured in the Holy Eucharist especially, and also all the sacraments of the Catholic Church, allow the Lord Jesus’ words to remain true: “ ‘Indeed, the kingdom of God is within
you’.” (Luke 17 v 21)
We taste the peace and joy of this supernatural kingdom even whilst on earth as we enter this place or position both prayerfully and practically, serving in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Jesus is the Ruler, the King above all others, the Lord, Word and Master, the world’s Saviour and He asks the highest commitment of us. To this end He gifts us Himself, by the Spirit.
This power of holy love at work is worth more than anything else ever was, will be, is or could be. If we have to forsake any personal goal that impedes kingdom work, may the Spirit help us to do so.
Holy love is powerful indeed, thank You, even to changing the very face of the earth by changing us to become childlike, trusting, biddable, dependent upon a higher power. May each celebration of the Holy
Eucharist aid this.
Thank You for the right living born out of the new life the Lord Jesus offers to us in the Spirit’s power of holy love, as Jesus Himself shepherds us.
“The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: ‘Yes I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you. Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt.” (Jeremiah 31 v 3, 4) What
loving kindness is made ours in Jesus.
We are a consecrated people, so let us ever live before You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, responding to Your loving kindness with all thanks and praise, daily growing in our love for You, our trust of You, our
dependency upon You.
Without You as a Trinity, the power of holy love, we would cease to be. Thank You for making us family and inviting us into Your heavenly company. We rejoice! Amen.