Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 15.07.20 

“Blessed be God.” (The first Divine Phrase)

Blessed ever be His

Supreme goodness,

Marvellous faithfulness,

Wondrous graciousness,

The Lord God Almighty,

Three in One, a perfect unity,

We bow before You,

Honour and adore You.

With tireless devotion,

Unsurpassed loving charity,

An incredible mercy,

By the sacred mysteries

You come to us.

You come in the Holy Eucharist,

The Father, in the Son,

As worked by the Spirit.

What a love,

Such a love as this

In the Holy Eucharist.

A healing love,

An enduring love,

An empowering love,

A life transforming love

Is ours, amazingly.

What wonders You accomplish

In the name of holiness,

Raising our worth

To be similar to the Lord Jesus,

Made a beloved people, graced and blessed.

“A chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that we may proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light...the people of God...(who) now have obtained mercy.” 1 Peter 2 v 9,10

We are fed in the Holy Eucharist,

Fed on holy Bread,

To draw strength spiritually,

To fight against adversity,

To be upbuilt in sanctity.

So our awareness grows

As to our calling to serve.

To serve in the name of Jesus.

To serve in all holiness,

Which calls for love,

A perfectly worthy love,

Noble and true to its cause.

A love in the purity.

We are gifted by the Trinity.

A love with the ability

To forget self, to rise above self awareness,

To serve in love, just like Jesus.

This is the love

Bringing forth an abundance of harvest

Among those who believe in Jesus,

Who receive Him as Saviour,

Who accept His real presence,

Pure gift from heaven,

Freely given in the Holy Eucharist.

We gain the prize of salvation,

The recommendation of heavenly, holy love.

“Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints.” (The closing Divine Phrase)

“...the same Lord is rich to all who call on Him. For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved’.” (Romans 10 v 13)

Lord God, almighty in love and mercy, may the gift of the Holy Eucharist ever draw us closer to the divine life of heaven practised here on earth in the kingdom the Lord Jesus came to set up for us.

We need please, an anointing in the Spirit to prepare us to receive such a holy gift as our Lord, His body and blood present to us under the form of bread and wine.

You as a Trinity, are rich in love and mercy, seeking us out of love, urging love upon us knowing this is what makes the world go round smoothly, the power of holy love.

Thus we are blessed by the Holy Eucharist, tasting to find how good You are to us, how profoundly You bless us when we seek after holiness.

Together as a Trinity, You call us out of the darkness of sin to begin once again through the forgiveness established at the † and re-presented to us each Holy Eucharist.

What grace is this, what a favour, as we become a most privileged people adopted into Your family, our sins forgiven and forgotten, enabled to preserve holiness in all situations, at all times.

Breathe on us O Holy Spirit of love, to make us holy like the Lord Jesus. Act in us that our love be not just words, but action. Strengthen us to fight the enemy of evil by devoting us to Jesus.

As we partake of the highest, holiest, most precious body and blood of our Saviour, enable us to pursue all that is holy with a deeper, more sincere love, Your power of love.

Holy Spirit, Lord, please help us, especially when we have been fed on the Bread of Life in holy communion, help us to maintain a good, worthy, godly life of Christian service.

Help us to pray, prompt us to pray, even persuade us to pray, for prayer enables our all loving Father to release the blessings of heaven, as won for us by the Lord Jesus, His life sacrificed for this purpose, that evil

is dealt with and love prevails.

Please impact upon us to the extent that we “Keep ourselves in God’s love as we await our inheritance of eternal life through the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ,” (based on Jude 23 The Truth) living the life He did for us, dying the death He suffered for us.

We pray to be kept holy, developing “The kind of fear that hates to do with anything that is corrupt,”

(Cont.) for the power of holy love has truly transformed our life, calling us to live by You, through Jesus, all to the delight of our Father.

“Now to Him who is able to prevent us from stumbling and who can with joy, present us perfect in His glorious Presence, to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, might and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord throughout all ages, now and forever Amen! It shall be so!”. (v 24)

Ever let us offer all thanks and praise for the supreme goodness, marvellous faithfulness, andwondrous graciousness of You, Lord God Almighty, Three in One, a perfect unity, before whom we worship. Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood


Key Themes



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