Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 30.07.20 

Oh the vivacious herbaceous,

Boasting of summer’s fullness.

The colours hit their highest mark,

Coming to the foreground daily.

The lower summer sun accomplishes this,

Highlighting the sumptuousness of summer’s palette.

What dramatic displays in the borders,

Especially when planted exclusively to have impact.

The summer flower colours dare to flare,

Intent it seems upon having their time,

Fine time to share the glory of God,

Through His hand upon nature’s richness.

Oh how well He does bless us!

Sit outside for a while, sit still and focus

And undoubtedly you will see some glorious shades,

Among which are the brightest colours

Surely designed to make us feel happier?

Who could feel gloomy when the July sun

Brightly shining will gloriously favour every colour?

Ask yourself ‘Where do the colours come from?

Why does brightness correspond with happiness?’

Then praise awhile, wait to see what happens.

It may be that comes into your mind or heart

The start of a conversation with our Father,

And you would rather continue this than rush off

To do something else, to tend to an everyday matter.

For to raise your heart and mind to God,

Is not only satisfactory, a good use of time,

This is thought raising, being how time is meant to be spent,

Any opportunity for prayer is richly beneficial.

You may hear Your Father in personal reflection,

And what could be better, and more satisfying

Than this holy connection drawing us closer together?

Certainly there is more, much more of a sufficiency

In summer’s palette to get the reflection started.

For example, does summer remind you of childhood happiness?

If so, you can start to count the numerous ways

In which the Lord God our Father does continuously bless you.

Try and count the blessings and work forwards from there.

Where you are, relaxed in a sunny spot.

You have got yet another blessing unfolding.

Will you make the most of this summer’s fullness?

Lord, I thank You for all the glories of summer and time outside to enjoy the fine weather and brighter colours. Also to feel the urge to pray is an undoubted blessing which can only come from You. Thank You again. We will not know that You dwell in our midst unless we pray to You. Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood



Key Themes



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