Sue O’Donnell. 08.09.20
Grasses amidst flowers
In the September garden bed,
Depicts their own glory
Prior to autumn being led
By changing colours,
With a drive to where, instead?
We find a superb spearhead.
For grasses which now dominate,
The seasons are no longer wed
To September, which bridges
Autumn and summer.
Grasses create a leap ahead
To the scenes of autumn
When most blooms have fled.
Movement and height both count,
As if to replace many colours, but not red.
Their style soft and sinuous, striking indeed,
An autumn garden’s is never in need.
Lord, You think of everything! Just as summer’s flowers are starting to fade, You offer us the glory of grasses, a superb spearhead to an autumn garden. Thank You so much. Amen.