Sue O’Donnell. 07.09.20
Grasses to edge a pond, pavement or path
As a chosen favourite, grasses do last.
The toughest grasses thrive in dry shade,
It is as if they are especially hand made.
With a meadow look currently a subject of choice,
A prairie informal look to which many give voice,
Adding annual grasses contributes to the show
Quivering and quietly swaying in the sun’s softer glow.
Grasses set out in blocks, the style is eye-catching,
Whilst placed against yew or box, grasses are attention snatching,
Arranged in tiers, your gaze is lifted up,
The variety of muted colours appear like a full crop.
Your gaze taken aloft by the handsome Prince of Wales majesty,
Tall and stately, commanding attention as if royalty.
There is one thing for certain with grasses a-plenty,
The picture you weave will be a textured tapestry.
Creator Father, for the variety of style and uses of grasses, I praise and thank You, for they add so much attraction to a garden.