Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 27.07.20 

June, July, August,

The fullness of summer

Is spectacularly glorious!

A floral richness beyond compare,

The Lord our Creator does ever lovingly share.

Surely this fullness is symbolic

Of the nature of God’s love for us?

Bountiful, beautiful and overflowing

Like a feature of life, its determination knowing.

Going not just anywhere,

But somewhere chosen and special.

Is this not our imagination

As we see a particular part,

A glimpse of God’s glory He does impart in creation?

Really rich, fine garden colours glow,

Many a flower variety on show in such splendour.

In a painted palette, a real treasure from the Sender

And measure of the work of God’s hands.

Hands which like to give of His most generous love abundantly,

In ways to make us content and very happy.

Is not the fullness of summer sent to us,

For this very understanding of the commanding of holy love?

A love in such richness, it is without measure,

But certainly a love which we can readily treasure,

An invaluable, a gift beyond all that is secular.

Every herbaceous border now in the fullness of glorious summer,

The hand and command of love beautifully evident.

Nature in the garden reaching a climax.

Every gardener could, should now relax

And enjoy the fruits of his labour, a matured feature.

For his or her love shown as the plants are grown,

This offers the reward holy love does afford.

The Lord God, ever a joy Giver, acts now

How gardeners can readily benefit

Amidst some time given over to leisure.

Enjoying the fruits of their garden labour,

In this highlight of the fullness of summer.

Lord, whether we be gardeners or not, I thank and praise You for the fullness of summer in flower to delight us. Some gardens are truly spectacular in colour, what a true delight! Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood



Key Themes



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