Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 17.09.20 

“ ‘I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever – the Spirit of truth...He dwells with you and will be in you.” (John 14 v 16, 17)

The Holy Spirit’s mission

Gifts us permission to live in hope.

Hope in the scope and outreach of prayer.

Prayer is where our will, thoughts, plans, decisions,

Become open to revision by the Lord God.

The Holy Spirit is a Messenger, an Informer.

He so fills us with a love for Jesus,

We can delight and honour our Father,

Doing this readily and steadily if we persist in praying.

It is the Lord Jesus’ power of love the Spirit shares with us,

A dynamic, exciting, life enhancing power.

The reward of love is hope, peace and joy experienced

As the Spirit of the Lord Jesus equips us

To go out and about to share the gospel.

Into the darkness of a human life,

The Holy Spirit of love shines the Light of Jesus.

We are set free from doubt and grace anxiety,

Any and many forms of worry, by the love of Jesus,

A sustaining, remaining power of love, shaped by mercy.

Here our Father is clearly at work:

Jesus, the Word of life is our faith’s cornerstone,

To whom the Spirit draws us increasingly.

The Spirit sets our faith firm upon His rock,

Which is the Lord Jesus, our safe destiny placed before us securely,

For our body, mind and spirit as we inherit love.

Not just any love, but agape, self-giving love,

As modelled and shaped to us by the Lord Jesus.

The Spirit holds together all within our Father’s plan,

And His purpose for us to live in and through the Lord Jesus.

Faith moves forwards in Jesus’ name of love,

To serve charitably, willingly, wholeheartedly.

The Holy Spirit counsels us to win lives for Jesus,

By our testimony and witness to the life changing power of holy love,

In all its dramatic kindly force and dynamic energy empowered.

The Holy Spirit gifts us the tasks to do,

The words to say, the means by which we make progress.

He, like Jesus, is ever with us, never to leave us.

The Spirit makes us sure in the knowledge that we, made to be God’s family,

Open our heart, mind, will, conscience to receive freely,

All the grace we must live to give through Jesus.

This is precisely why we are a people of hope.

Hope in the final and full destiny of heavenly company,

Awaiting us eternally, for this is the utmost fullness of Jesus’ promise to us.

“ ‘The thief does not come except to steal and to kill, and to destroy; I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly’.” (John 10 v 10)

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and (s)he who wins souls is wise...Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge...A good (wo)man obtains favour from the LORD.” (Proverbs 11 v 30, 12

v 1, 2)

Come Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom, of Truth, of Promise, of Mercy, of Christ, of the Lord God, of Adoption, of New Life graced in Jesus, the Spirit of Glory, ensuring we live through Jesus’ life, suffering,

crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, guiding us every step of the way homewards to heaven.

Come, Holy Spirit of Love, for this is Your mission overarching all else, anything we think, plan, desire, design, do or say in the exalted name of Jesus as Lord and the world’s Saviour, our personal Redeemer, Friend

and Brother.

Come, be our Counsellor, Advocate, Paraclete, Adviser, the fount of all we need to honour and understand, so as to grow in faith and pray to persevere to share in the holiness of the Lord Jesus upon whom You rest to

make His delight the reverencing of our Father in heaven.

Righteousness and steadfast loving kindness shaped by faithfulness become our graced favour and high privilege as we learn Holy Spirit, Lord, to live by the One who not only saves us and sends You to sanctify

us, Jesus the Lord remains amongst us as the living, ever abiding Word of God.

“My soul wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him,” (Psalm 62 v 5) all thanks to Your introduction to the Lord Jesus as Saviour, and all that You help us to learn as we pray, Holy Spirit, Lord.

It is through the love of Jesus, His exemplary life given up on the †, we can with certainty claim before our Father, that “He only is my rock and my salvation. He is my defence.” (v 6)

As Advocate, please stand beside us to plead our cause. As Counsellor, teach us in all wisdom and truth, for this is vital to our wellbeing. As the Spirit of adoption, cause more of us to want to seek and find the Lord

God, setting about doing this in the right way as we pray.

For “In God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, and my refuge is in God.” Please ever help us to trust so we can “Pour out our heart before Him,” (based on v 8) confident in our salvation

as won for us by the Lord Jesus at the †.

“Power belongs to God. Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy, for You render to each one according to his (her) work.” (v 11, 12) How blessed we are to know our Father is just and we are saved from condemnation through the love of the Lord Jesus.

Thank You for dwelling with us in the Lord Jesus, and in all who accept Him as their Saviour. Thank You for being of exactly the same nature of love and mercy as the Son and our Father, that is why You are

described as ‘another Helper’.

Your role is to sanctify all those the Lord Jesus has saved by His blood. Your ministry is invaluable to us, for You are in charge of our purity, showing us that without the Lord Jesus, we have no everlasting life within us.

You do for us all the Father would have You to do, all the perfect life of the Lord Jesus sets up before us as the perfect sacrifice, and all that is worthwhile in honouring and pleasing the Lord God, that we pray about.

May it be that humanity no longer “Make lies our refuge, nor under falsehood hide ourselves,” (based

on Isaiah 28 v 15) for this is a serious dereliction of our calling to serve in the loving, ever truthful name of Jesus, our Redeemer.

As we pray to be filled by You, Holy Spirit of Life, come, fill us with a true reverence and respect for our Saviour Brother, that we can daily delight an honour our Father of love and mercy. Lord, hear our prayer and

answer us. Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood


Key Themes



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