Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 11.07.20 

“The love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Spirit of God dwelling within us, alleluia!” (Entrance Antiphon spoken at the celebration of Mass on the Memorial of St Philip Neri)

The Holy Spirit

Comes to us from the Father,

Sent by the Lord Jesus,

To be, forever our:

True friend,

Wise Counsellor,

Merciful Advocate,

Faithful Paraclete,

Willing Protector,

Loving Healer,

Anointed Teacher,

Appointed Preacher,

Kindly Consoler,

Holy Strengthener,

Tender Adviser,

Generous Leader.

“ ‘...the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you, and will be in you’.”(John 14 v 17)

For perfectly the Spirit reflects

The personal love the Lord Jesus has for us,

And the amazing mercy our Father offers us,

Upbuilding our faith’s commitment, dedication and drive,

As, like Jesus, the Holy Spirit invites us

Into the unity of love within the Trinity.

In the resurrection of the Lord Jesus,

We see how the Lord God has forgiven us

And taken away the sins of the world,

To gift us a real, Spirit led, Spirit bred, identity.

For the power of holy love is life giving,

The true life, the full life in sharing with Jesus.

The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity,

Is the One to ever promote this change,

Bringing us out of sin’s darkness

Into the glorious light of God’s promise to us.

The Holy Spirit forms our friendship with the Lord Jesus thereby.

“ ‘I shall ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever. Alleluia!” (A Gospel Acclamation spoken during the Celebration of Mass 20.05.20)

“ ‘And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever’.” (John 14 v 16)

Come, Holy Spirit, Faith Giver. Come to us through the Lord Jesus. Come to us as our Father is merciful and our need of You is great indeed.

Come, as the gentle dove from above, to alight upon us, teaching us to focus on the Lord Jesus as our Fathers most precious gift. For You reveal Jesus as Saviour and Word of life.

Come, to offer us the fullness of our friendship with the Lord Jesus, that which persists in seeking to share in His holiness.

Come, to fill us daily with godly intentions which You will work out in practice to make effect in the cause of our worship.

Come, teach us to worship in all we desire, think, purpose, plan, decide, do and say, being disciples of the living Lord.

Come, back up our learning through the study of the sacred Scriptures speaking life to us. Please show us how the test applies to each of us personally.

Come, like Jesus, teach us to pray so as to honour our Father through the willing obedience to His will. Make us reverent at all times.

Come, teach us to forgive as we have been forgiven. Make us generous of heart, all loving in word and deed because we emulate the Lord Jesus.

Come, be our Strengthener, for all too readily we stray away from that which we well know is right. Set the record straight with us.

Come, in all Your many protective, directive roles, all purposed to help us seek, find and follow the holiness the Lord Jesus offers us.

Come, as the Spirit of truth, Your advice is undeniable, incontrovertible. Help us to listen attentively and respond quickly.

Come, lead us to worship for we know that our Father is faithful towards us, or else He could not have sacrificed the life of His beloved Son.

Come, show us His Son as the Saviour Redeemer of the world, preparing us through our Father’s merciful forgiveness, for Your sanctification.

Come, for I know You never ever fail us. May we then not fail to respond to You, but prayerfully listen to learn and accomplish that which is set before us.

Come, almighty Spirit of holiness. Live in us through the Lord Jesus. Live amongst us for this is our Father’s wish.

Come, make us holy, entirely holy. Make this possible by devoting us to become willing, zealous disciples of the Lord Jesus.

Come, take our time, talents, resources and put these to best use in the service of Christianity, sharing and spreading this world wide.

Come, for You are the Spirit of joy, enabling each and every single day without exception, to be filled by godly purpose and accomplishment.

Come, breathe upon us, and we will never be the same again, for Yours is the life enhancing power of holy love.

Come, aid us to live and to love, through the Lord Jesus, supported and sustained by the holy Eucharist He gifts us.

Come, make us a people who worship and offer back to our Father of mercy all that we can make worthy.

Come, impress upon us, to fill our minds and hearts, “Whatever is true and noble and right in God’s eyes,

what is pure and holy to Him; what He admires, which is everything that is excellent and worthy of praise”. (Philippians 4 v 4 The Truth)

Come, be life to us, the life we share fully with the Lord Jesus, nothing held back for we would worship honourably.

Come, Holy Spirit, the power of the Almighty. Come without delay for our world is in urgent need of Your direction.

Come, make us holy. Devote us to the love our Father offers us in Jesus. Make us please, able, willing,

wanting to respond fully. Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood


Key Themes


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