Sue O’Donnell. 12.07.20
“The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge and the ears of the wise seeks knowledge.” (Proverbs 18 v 15)
Beautiful, bountiful, beneficial prayer,
Where you invite Me in
To share every aspect of life with you,
Through My active, effective Spirit at work
To connect us, to direct you to be
Even closer to Me in friendship.
In this way you can offer worship
To our Father in heaven.
For it is exactly as I said to mankind,
When you find Me, you find
The way to live to give glory to the Lord God.
“ ‘Let the one who has spiritual understanding hear what the Spirit says to the churches’.” (Revelation 3 v 22 The Truth)
There is no other way, none whatsoever,
Because I am your Saviour.
Although a Brother, I work to redeem you,
To restore you to God’s favour.
I am to possess you, to offer to you
A life of truth in all goodness,
That which is holiness in love’s action.
Love has to be the attraction,
For the power of holy love is God given wisdom.
“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4 v 7)
A life of wisdom, is led by the Holy Spirit.
He enables Me to be formed in you,
In all you think, desire, say and do,
For I repeat, “I am the way,
I am the truth, I am the life” (John 14 v 6) of God
Shown to you, made known to you, by love.
Then you can explore your self worth in God’s eyes.
Your value in the light of My holiness shared
“...God’s Word in all the fullness of its truth and power ...the glorious riches that are centred in this mystery that Christ has now come to live in you, and in Him alone is your hope of glory now and for all eternity.” (Colossians 1 v 25, 27 The Truth)
As I am your Shepherd, you will lack nothing
Which is required for a holy life,
If set above, well above the strife of sin.
In Me, by the Spirit, you begin again.
Let nothing whatsoever stand in the way,
My way for you to make progress in holiness.
As I have started this work, Spirit led,
It is your task to pray and make it virtuous.
Thus the blessings of God will fast flow,
When you go forwards in life accompanied by Me.
“My son (daughter) if you receive my words and treasure my commands within you ...Then you will understand fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.” (Proverbs 2 v 1, 5)
“For the LORD gives wisdom, from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” (Proverbs 2 v 6)
Lord Jesus, speaking in truth because You manifest truth to us, You remind us how important it is to gain knowledge and understanding, that which is wisdom. Thank You for teaching us.
May the Holy Spirit illuminate such wisdom, for it is not to be of an earthly type, but spiritual, so for this we need His input.
May we “Apply our heart to understanding,” (based on Proverbs 2 v 2) which includes learning the act of discernment and continuously praying to gain a true understanding, “Seeking her as for hidden treasures,” (v 4) clearly of great value to us. ”
All You do and say to show us how to receive the love and mercy of our Father, and how to offer this in return, this is indeed invaluable to us for we are changed for the better. Thank You for being the perfect role
model we can look up to.
You are the perfectly holy Son, the One the Holy Spirit fills in entirely giving “The Spirit of wisdom and understanding” (Isaiah 11 v ) which is so beneficial to us.
Your wisdom is life giving being of God. May You, by the Spirit, ever be our source of understanding in daily life where we have to practice the principles of right living.
Clearly You tell us Yours is the way in which to do this when seeking to love, honour and obey our Father.
May we then, strive after sharing Your holiness.
Let us, by the Spirit, seek You first and foremost as “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments.” (Psalm 111 v 10)
I would prefer to say ‘Reverence’. I ask regarding fear, that we, Your followers, fear nothing other than disobedience and being an offence to our Father. I am sorry for the times I disobey, dishonour or displease my
It is wisdom which teaches me to ask for forgiveness when this happens, to apply for mercy, Your life given up for us at the †, allowing us to enter God’s presence.
For all thanks ever be to Your concern for us, willingly You obeyed the call to the †our Father made having “Sent redemption to His people.” (Psalm 111 v 9) Forever His covenant of love holds true.
Lord Jesus, we are told to exalt wisdom, so this quality must be of very high status in our Father’s eyes. “She will bring you honour when you embrace her. She will place on your head an ornament of grace; a
crown of glory she will deliver to you.” (Proverbs 4 v 8, 9)
By Your Spirit, You make all of this possible for us. Thank You for all Your counsel as You teach us by parables and Your example of how to live wisely, reverently.
You show us how vital prayer is. Lord, teach us to pray, for there are so many elements in true prayer, I, for one are often concerned as to whether my prayer life is properly balanced.
I need wisdom to know when to praise, adore, venerate, offer thanks, repent, ask, intercede, plead, supplicate, exalt and esteem, or merely listen and learn.
Please ask Your Spirit to help me with this. Thank You that You always intercede for us. This is invaluable to us as it must help us to share all aspects of life with You.
Lord Jesus, teach us how to worship with You and through You, raising Your name above all other names in heaven and on earth, for You are our Saviour, the world’s Redeemer, winning forgiveness for us.
The slate wiped clean, we are enabled to live to give glory to God when we pray in all sincerity, seeking to base our life entirely upon Yours, by learning from Your Spirit of wisdom.
May the Spirit ever form us or reform us by Your friendship, for this is what makes us of value in our Father’s eyes. I delight that so many of us are already Your works in progress and I pray for those who have
as yet not met You, not been influenced and inspired by You.
Lord Jesus, You are life to us, a life of understanding what the Father’s will consists of and desiring to adhere to this. Thank You for shepherding us homewards to heaven.
Whenever we get things wrong, please help us to begin again without losing heart. Be our reassurance that one day, if we continue to pray, all will be well. “The wise shall inherit glory.” (Proverbs 3 v 35)
This is Your glory, Lord Jesus. None of it can be attributed to us. To share in Your glory, that of a life well lived and fully pleasing to our Father, here is wisdom at work.
“The path of the just” – You justified our new position as forgiven children – “Is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter into the perfect day.” (Proverbs 4 v 18) How marvellous, thank You!
Praise ever be for Your glory, our aim, our hope, our expectation, even as long as we continue to pray and learn from You, Lord and Saviour. Praise be to the glory of the Trinity.
“Great and marvellous are Your works, Lord God Almighty” in sending Your Son to live and die for us. “
‘Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints’!” (Revelation 15 v 3)
“ ‘Who shall not fear You, O Lord and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy’,”– a Trinity of Three most holy Persons, wise beyond all reckoning – “ ‘All nations shall come and worship before You, for Your
judgments have been manifested’.” (v 4)
Dearest Father, we delight to learn this through our Saviour Brother who, leading an exemplary life, ever shepherds us by His own wisdom and truth, Spirit given. May this very same Spirit ever guide us to live to
delight You similarly well. Amen.