Sue O’Donnell. 11.09.20
“Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37 v 4 NIV)
O the blessing, the grace, the favour
Of the indwelling Spirit, coming in silence,
As and when we keep praying.
The Spirit of revelation, faith’s identification.
The Spirit of communication, forming our prayer.
The Spirit of illumination, shaping our understanding.
The Spirit of intention, building our faith’s belief.
The Spirit of clarification, opening heart and mind to Jesus.
The Spirit of renovation, drawing us closer to the Father through Jesus.
The Spirit of inspiration, achieving God’s work.
The Spirit of remuneration, making Jesus real to us.
“Do not quench the Spirit.” (1 Thessalonians 5 v 19)
“Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” (1 Thessalonians 5 v 21, 22)
O Spirit of praise, teach us to offer daily praise and thanksgiving for all the blessings of faith, but most specifically for the new life offered us in Jesus, our Saviour, the Lord of love.
May the strength of Jesus’ love empower us to honour and obey our Father, who so loved us, He gave His Son to be the sacrifice to justify such love.
Direct us, O Spirit, as You reveal the fulfilled promises of our faith. Let us ever be in pursuit of these to the praise and glory of our Father, our honouring of Jesus.
May Jesus’ love illuminate our life, occupy us, redeem us, restore us to the status of holy children, guided, guarded by You. Let Your love flood our very being, every motive and will.
Work in us, with us as You please, and stifle anything ungodly. Inhabit the very centre of our being that we draw ever closer to Jesus.
May His love, His life, His suffering be our passion, our prayer, our faith’s progression and fulfilment. Thank You for directing this.
May we ever be attentive, receptive to the silent voice of Your calling, as You impact upon mind, heart, will, conscience, imagination in a variety of remarkable ways.
Holy Spirit of the Father and the Son, make known to us even more clearly, how the works of salvation are gifted us as hope, offering us a sense of peace through the love of Jesus, a love given mysteriously, but not silently.
Holy Spirit of God, let us see, hear Jesus as the living Word of truth. Make us His active, effective disciples as You come into our hearts. Renew our world today.
Draw us into ever stronger Christian fellowship, bound by an eternal love, a firm faith in Jesus, a decided witness to Him. Renew the face of the earth through Jesus.
Shake us out of any apathy. Cause us to pray and repair all that we get wrong, repenting, asking for an increase of our love and appreciation for this abundant life of hope.
Purchased by the blood of Jesus, enable us to speak of the truth, the hope, the peace, the joy we experience in the empowering, amazing love of Jesus, He who enables us to honour our Father.
Help us please through prayer, to pay close attention to our faith’s outreach, teachings, precepts, principles as You reveal the whole counsel of God. Make us ever more receptive to the teachings of Jesus.
As You appoint us to a wide variety of roles in life for every one of us, empower our faith’s belief and practices, basing all of these on the example of Jesus.
Throw Your bright light over the church, the church triumphant now looking forward to the Easter season, then Pentecost.
May we live in holiness, converting many others by the attraction of our love for each Person of the Trinity and each other. May we never be reticent, nor silent regarding our faith.
In the authority given to Jesus, let us heed His plea to “ ‘Make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded You’.” (Matthew 28 v 19, 20)
Please remain with us to fulfil this great commission. Lord, Holy Spirit directly bless our faith and prayer.
11.09.20 Sue O’Donnell