Sue O’Donnell. 23.08.20
“If such be the will of the great Lord, He will be filled with the Spirit of intelligence, He will shower forth words of wisdom, and in prayer give thanks to the Lord.” (Sirach 39 v 6, 7 TNJB)
Through our life committed to the Lord Jesus,
Be all our worship of You, dearest Father,
Offered to Your glory, honour and praise.
Father of love, of mercy, we adore You.
Giver of all good gifts, we thank You.
Creator and Re-Creator of a world of outstanding beauty, we admire You.
For all You are, for all You do, we offer our gratitude.
Accept please the warm praise of Your family,
For You have in Christ Jesus, blessing us by the Spirit of holiness,
You have changed our very identity.
Our new life is enlarged into fullness,
Enlightened and blessed by the holiness of Jesus.
“He made an everlasting covenant with Him, and gave Him the priesthood of the people ...He entrusted Him with His commandments, committed to Him the statutes of the Law.” (Ecclesiasticus 45 v 7,17 TNJB)
We offer all praise and thanks for our Divine Healer.
The healing hands of Christ Jesus’ love and compassion
Which completely mirror Your own all loving mercy, Lord God.
Jesus as Lord, the living Word of holy wisdom and truth,
Enables us to share an inheritance in this light,
Always offering all thanks in the name of Christ Jesus.
He is not ashamed to call us His brothers and sisters.
“ ‘Here am I and the children whom God has given Me’.” (Hebrews 2 v 13)
Our Brother is our Saviour “That through death
He might destroy him who had the power of death, the devil.” (v 14)
All glory be through Christ Jesus, alive in us,
Flooding our mind with the glory of our graced salvation.
“He a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” (Hebrews 2 v 17)
“Christ is the faithful Son over the entire household as we continue to live as the people of courageous faith, who have a wonderful future of which we can rightly boast!” (Hebrews 3 v 6 The
How wonderful it is Lord God, to be enabled to boast in Your glory because we know, love and follow the example and teachings of Your beloved Son, the perfectly holy One.
“He will grow upright in purpose and learning, He will ponder the Lord’s hidden mysteries. He will display the instruction He has received, taking His pride in the Law of the Lord’s covenant.” (Sirach 39 v 7, 8 TNJB) This is our Saviour, all praise ever be!
“Many will praise His intelligence,” we do to this day. “And it will never be forgotten. His memory will not disappear, generation after generation His name will live.” (v 9) This is our Saviour, all thanks ever be.
“Nations will proclaim His wisdom, the assembly will celebrate His praises” especially when we, as the Lord Jesus’ family, meet to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. “If He lives long, His name will be more glorious
than a thousand others, and if He dies, that will satisfy just as well.” (v 10, 11) This is our Saviour, all glory ever be!
“Oh, sing to the LORD a new song” of thanksgiving for belonging. “Sing to the LORD, all the earth.
Sing to the LORD, bless His name; proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.” (Psalm 96 v 1, 2) This is our Saviour, all hope ever be!
“Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples” as Redeemer Healer. “The LORD is great and greatly to be praised,” honoured and adored. This is our Saviour, all adoration ever be!
“Honour and majesty are before Him; strength and beauty are in His sanctuary...Give to the LORD the glory due His name. Bring an offering” (v 6, 8) and let this be our worship for You Father, through Your Son. This is our Saviour, all worship ever be!
“Oh, worship the LORD, in the beauty of holiness,” (Psalm 96 v 9) His exemplary character, His complete goodness being the reflection of Your all loving mercy given us, dearest Father, by grace. This is our
Saviour, all peace ever be!
“Say among the nations ‘The LORD reigns; the world is also firmly established’, ” (v 10) for satan no longer has a claim to us. We are released from sin’s bondage by the Victor at the †. This is our Saviour, all joy ever be!
“Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth shall spring out of the earth,” (Psalm 85 v 10) a holy Brother born amongst us. “And righteousness shall look down from
heaven” (Cont) as pure gift. This is our Saviour, in all of life may veneration ever be!
Father You have allowed us, out of Your mercy to see Jesus as He is. “Now He is crowned with glory and honour because He suffered death on behalf of all humanity. This is the measure of the grace and
favour You have shown us.” (based on Hebrews 8 v 9 The Truth) This is our Saviour, all grace ever be!
You have made our Lord and Saviour the Author of salvation because He was the perfect sacrifice offered up on the †to bring us back to You. This is our Saviour, all that is worthwhile ever be!
“So we are now made holy in Your sight and this has been accomplished through Jesus, the only One who could make us holy.” (v 11) “It is amazing that Jesus is not ashamed to call us His brothers (and sisters)”. (Cont) This is our Saviour, the all loving, abiding Word of life. All that is holy ever be! Amen.