Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 09.08.20 

Snow bound found in an explosion of white, brilliant.

Breathtaking sight, shimmering, glimmering, sparkling,

Enticing like a bride dressed in white finery,

Reminding of clarity, lacing, embracing the winter trees, frost tracing,

wonderfully intricate.

The silence of white light at night, in the full moon’s allure.

Romantic light beaming brilliance on a sleeping world,

Keeping watch til daybreak to take, make, the highlight

Of clouds of dawn, snowy white, cotton wool fluffy balls.

Melting snowflake, crystal clear, drip, dripping slowly, rhythmically,

Against a window pane, trickling reluctantly down through the white

flowering of patterns Jack Frost on leaf has traced, etched daintily,

As if a forest with fern floor has grown, been sown again on the window pane. The star spangled heavens aglow with twinkling, blinking stars.

Pinpoints of diamond white light, magical, mysterious to children.

The world above, thoughts of God’s love and mercy

For all, any, who have faith in the Trinity.

A gleaming white page begging to be written upon.

What will you write? Bright words of love, happiness, hope,

Encouragement lent, sent to bring joy into the day,

That may otherwise in no way arise or be expressed.

Stargazer lilies, daisy chains, lily of the valley, the wonderful white of elegance understated.

Snowdrops as they pop their tiny heads up and look about, ring, shout,

The glad news that sooner or later sweet spring will arrive to thrive,

Only to allow the glory of summer to later follow.

Waterfall rapids and fountains, making white foam frothing, furiously bubbling,

In the relentless race downstream to reach the land’s edge,

To merge with the ocean waves, curling crests of creamy white, fine sight churning,

Exciting children’s curiosity more vigorously than any school room lesson ever can.

Praise be annually, summer’s full joy offering white roses for posies,

Or splendid bridal bouquets to amaze at.

Outside, roses reach up, ramble, scramble, roll across

Doorways, archways, even paved walkways and pagodas.

Who could not like white, so bright?

Delicate crockery, clothes for a newborn baby,

A flotilla of white sails against the summer sapphire blue harbour.

White is right regularly, a delight, white is a colour frame.

White cumulus clouds by the wind pushed along.

Pet rabbits’ fur softest white, fleecy new lambs of spring,

May time flower blossom, elderflower and prunus trees too,

Wild anemones and white narcissi carpeting the ground through.

Summer correctly thought to be by everybody, I imagine,

The season of rich colour, certainly vivid compared with white,

There still remains even in the high season of summer,

White to delight by its purity.

If colours were to be given a character,

One which is notably virtuous, being godly of course,

With white it would be its personality, if not gentle quietne4ss.

As it is always necessary to show God gives humility.

Lord, white is such a delight, thank You very much indeed! Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood



Key Themes



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