Sue O’Donnell. 06.09.20
Honey, bronze, brown and buff
Do grasses offer colour enough?
Well, add in cream, green, yellow and white
And surely you could say ‘What a wondrous sight’.
For it is not merely the grasses’ colour offering attention,
Part of their lure is the endless action.
Bending, swaying rocking to and fro,
Grasses rustle a tune, as gently they grow.
Their texture too, is of special interest
A contrast set against any flowers’ focus.
Swathes of grasses, some golden, many glowing,
Set off a garden as it is meant to be showing
Softening a path straight at the edge,
Clumps of grasses can form a hedge.
Grown alongside water, grasses soften the land,
Their reflected image makes them look particularly grand.
Imposing, yet gentle, eye catching the year through,
No garden is complete without a grass clump or two.
Lit by late afternoon sun in September,
Grasses offer a picture you will remember.
Sunlight shimmering through the trees,
Grasses softly rustling about your knees,
September is a month we love and cherish.
The autumn interest being now well formed to establish,
Forget the need for flowers for a while,
The grasses offer their own stupendous style.
Lord, for the statuesque beauty of grasses, so atmospheric, I praise and thank You. How momentous and marvellous are the pictures they paint. Amen.