Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 23.08.20 

What makes an unusual feature?

The pink sky glow against an ice flow?

A plant masquerading as a bird of Paradise?

Sandy terrain rippled like a patterned refrain?

The standing stones of history, such a mystery?

Rocky mountain formation curved without exploration?

The northern lights such a glorious sight?

An underground tunnel, narrow necked entrance like a funnel?

A tree like a cacti, reaching sky high?

A desert landscape where beauty did not escape?

Pebbles so pretty they are coloured brightly?

A strata of rocks where imagination unlocks?

Patterns on the ground mysteriously found?

Landscapes historical, almost mythical and magical?

A mountain range with configuration strange?

Stylish topiary cut to demand attention eye-catchingly?

Needlework tapestry, strikingly pretty?

Does an unusual feature make you think of the originality,

Or perhaps inspire you to some creativity?

Tall, evergreen conifers commanding the vistas?

Fruit grown without seeds sown?

Grass remaining green when time portrays its autumn scene?

A tornado funnel shaped like a tunnel?

Lenticular clouds mistaken for an UFO taken?

Refracted light sparkling similar to a rainbow sighting?

Fiercely frightening Supercell somewhat threatening as will it dwell?

There are a host of unusual features all about us.

Should we not be praying, praising the Creator

For each and every one of life’s fascinating features?

An all important aspect of prayer is to share our gratitude,

For when we do this, the bliss of God’s presence with us,

In us all thanks to Jesus, amongst us when we call on the Spirit,

This experience is so uplifting, most enriching ,

So much so, we cannot afford to go through life,

Without a faith which sees life according to

All the Lord God, our Creator has established for us.

Then anything unusual, could, should remind us

Of His authority, seniority and supreme majesty.

When we honour our Lord God as a Trinity,

We call to order life, as it should be.

Keep praying then day by each blessed day.

Pray and offer all thanks for everything created

At the hands of a love most holy.

Totally holy and worthy of all praise.

Amaze at God’s goodness, His ineffable kindness.

Make mention of life as blessed to be possessed by us.

And glorify the Spirit who develops our holiness.

There is nothing unusual about this,

For holiness is simply sharing all of life with Jesus,

So as to delight and honour our Father.

An aspect we cannot afford to be without if we desire true happiness.

To see something in life unusual, demanding our attention,

Is often worthwhile in that this is of itself exciting.

But the true happiness is the holiness we share with Jesus,

All thanks to the love of our Father as clarified by the Spirit,

Calling us to pray and discover even more each day.

Prayer, a time to share absolutely everything

With the Trinity who so care for us, they devote to us.

Again there is nothing unusual here, nothing at all.

This devotion is God’s response and intervention to our prayerful call.

A response of developing holiness offering us such happiness.

All thanks, all praise, all glory ever be to the holy Trinity.

Lord, for all that is unusual, marvellous and magnificent, interesting and intriguing to us, I offer all thanks and praise. Life is never dull once we are aware of Your abilities and wish to enrich our daily life. Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood


Key Themes



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