Sue O’Donnell. 08.10.20
Winter approaches, less fine weather.
We forego the joys of summer.
But in between these two seasons,
We have such reason for rejoicing.
Just look at an autumn garden
In all its glory of splendour.
Is not the colour,
An anthem of praise to the Sender?
Do you not amaze at the vibrancy?
Spring saw the vitality of green, a freshness.
Summer saw the range of colour’s fullness.
Winter will see the glory of purity in frosty,
Or maybe snowy sparkling white of snow.
But autumn is truly aglow in warmth.
Copper, beech, mahogany and tan of brown.
Scarlet, ruby, poppy and rosy red.
Luscious lime and lemon, plus golden yellow.
Pink in taffeta splendour through to magenta.
Orange and amber aglow like a fire does glow.
What a most marvellous firework show!
Everyday of autumn becomes richer in deeper colour.
The change is all at God’s hand in labour
Desirous of sharing joyous happiness with us.
Can anything in nature beat such splendour?
I doubt this, for October offers the warmth of a kiss.
Yes, bliss is made ours to delight in.
Will you let God win your heart?
Lord, if we do allow You to win our heart to believe in Your love for us, there is a richness even fuller than
the colour of October, which is such splendour. How can I ever thank You sufficiently! Amen.