Sue O’Donnell. 12.09.20
“ ‘...rejoice because your names are written in heaven’.” (Luke 10 v 20)
This is what the Lord Jesus says to us,
Each of us who regard Him as Saviour,
As our holy Brother, as God’s Word of life
And above all else, His offer of love and forgiveness.
Our life has to be written in Jesus.
For this to happen, we need to be influenced
By the Third Person of the Trinity,
He who is Lord of the Spirit, our Helper.
The Holy Spirit develops our friendship with the Lord Jesus,
To the extent that we can trust in His every word.
His is the love which seeks us to speak with us.
This love has all authority over sinfulness,
And carries the certainty of an eternal destiny.
We need then, the Holy Spirit to bring about change,
Transforming totally, prayer by prayer,
Effort by effort made sincerely by us,
Changing our way of life away from worldliness.
The Holy Spirit is an amazing power,
Very well able to reflect love’s perfect unity.
“ ‘All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him’.” (John 10 v 22)
Let us pray then, for the coming of the Spirit,
The purifying, faith building, life enhancing Holy Spirit.
He will bring about the change that is necessary,
As long as we pray and commit our life to Jesus.
The Holy Spirit enables those who accept Jesus
As their personal Lord, Saviour and Master,
“ ‘The right to become children of God,
To those who believe in His name,” (John 1 v 12) as our Redeemer.
The Holy Spirit enlightens our understanding
That we see we have to be born once more.
“ ‘For unless one is born again, (s)he cannot see the kingdom of God’.” (John 3 v 3)
We require a spiritual rebirth brought about by the Spirit.
He enables us to live by the truth that we are a fallen people,
In need of the rescue through God’s saving help,
In sending His beloved Son to live and die for us,
Thereby allowing the †of forgiveness to be the result of the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice.
To convict our heart and mind to this truth
Is a primary function of the Holy Spirit, our Counsellor.
Our new life is full of the love of Jesus as taught by the Spirit.
“ ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, (s)he cannot enter the kingdom of God’.” (John 3 v 5)
The Holy Spirit prompts us to repent of all sinfulness,
To open ourselves up to the power of holy love,
That totally life changing, hope establishing,
Peace loving, love increasing life we aim for.
What riches are in store for those who receive
Both the Lord Jesus in friendship and His Spirit in power.
We are drawn into a new, fresh relationship with God.
Life has a new perspective as we work for His kingdom
As set up on earth by the Lord Jesus Himself,
Our faith becomes fully alive to thrive through love.
“If anyone is in Christ, (s)he is a new creation...” (2 Corinthians 5 v 17)
Our quality of life has been entirely changed,
Our priority no longer being our self seeking and satisfaction,
But our longing to serve the Lord Jesus, lovingly.
We are blessed by the status of being “...ambassadors for Christ...” (v 20)
We are not only saved from hell’s final separation from heaven,
A supernatural dimension has been added to life,
Fitting us for love’s service in the fellowship of Jesus,
Ever equipped for this by the power of holy love.
“ ‘...that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit...You must be born again’.” (John 3 v 6, 7)
“ ‘If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly
things’?” (John 3 v 12)
Please pray.