Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 01698423016

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer” Psalm 45 v 1

Additional Poems


Sue O’Donnell. 03.09.20 

“Be strong and of good courage and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God – my God – will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD’.” (1 Chronicles 28 v 20)

We come from the Lord God, the Creator,

Who lovingly calls us into being to serve Him.

Until later at some date known only to Him,

We will return to our homeland in heaven.

In between times we are gifted the Lord Jesus

And the life enhancing Spirit to help us live, according to our calling

Together they develop our holiness,

According to the strengths already gifted us

By our inborn, natural skills and talents.

Any weaknesses are dealt with all lovingly,

For the Lord Jesus takes these to the †,

So as to help, heal and cleanse us by forgiveness.

We are released from our brokenness by the love of Christ Jesus.

“ ‘Continue to ask and it will be given to you; go on seeking and you will find; keep knocking and the door will be opened to you’.” (Luke 11 v 9 The Truth)

He who is the promised Messiah, a King,

Comes to earth to bring us good news of our rescue,

Jesus releases us from satan’s iron grip.

And lest we slip back, He sends us His Spirit,

He who is entirely devoted to guarding and guiding us.

We do not have to manage on our own, far from home.

All the love the Lord God has given to Jesus,

Our Saviour Brother, longs to share with us,

Choosing to do this as we open ourselves to the Spirit.

The Spirit’s impact and influence always aids our faith,

Our trust, our dependency as He develops activity through our prayer life,

Communicating with Jesus as Saviour, as Lord,

As God’s promise to help us, is an essential part of prayer.

Holy love is always there to share with us,

For us then to offer each other in works of practical service.

“ ‘If you, who are far from perfect, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven, who is perfect, give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him’?” (Luke 11 v 13 The Truth)

“ ‘For everyone who seeks in this way receives; (s)he who is determined when (s)he seeks finds, and to him (her) who persistently knocks the door will be opened’.” (Luke 11 v 10 The Truth)

Lord Jesus, as prayerfully we turn to You, asking of You, please so fill us by Your Spirit, we will go about Your work fully blessed to love at all times.

Released from our self-centredness, healed and made whole by You, through You, let us evidently be restored and refreshed in Your image and likeness.

With a regained confidence and revitalised energy send us out in Your name of love, inspired, guided and led by the Spirit as we are shown what to do, when and how.

Let us serve anybody in need, for love of You, having prayed first to listen and learn, to talk with You and rejoice in Your presence as the Word of our Father, the ultimate good of mankind.

As we give, we ask for more of You, more of Yourself, Your love, Your calling, Your plans understood and adhered to, reaching out to radiate Your love so as to move life into a higher plane of hope, peace and joy.

Lord, whilst talking about our call to the work of service, made to all believers in the Lord Jesus, my attention was drawn back to an August meditation in “MAGNIFICAT” 04.08.20 (

I re-read “What it means to keep the Tradition” by Saint John Vianney, and found this guidance so helpful, thank You:

“If you ask me how can we know whether a virtue is real, and whether it will lead us to heaven, the answer is: that in order to make an action pleasing to God, the following conditions must be fulfilled: first, the action should be sincere and perfect; second, it should be humble and

without selfishness; third, it should be steadfast and enduring. If these conditions are found in everything you do, then you may be sure that you are working for heaven.

We have said that an action must be sincere; it is not sufficient that it shows itself only outwardly. It must come from our hearts, and love of God must be its prime cause and its beginning, for Saint Gregory tells us that everything which God requires of us should be founded on the love which we owe Him. The action, therefore, should be nothing more than a

sort of medium to express our intention.”

May all our actions be pleasing to You, as we endeavour to work for the good of society and the sanctity of our own soul.

Then when I turned to “Listen carefully to Me” (Hugh and Sue O’Donnell),today’s reading, I am advised further: “Be organised in Me for that is your strength.”

“Be organised that you may serve Me thoroughly through and through – no corners missed, not slip shod; no misadventure, complete, whole, rounded and grounded in Me.” (Cont) are Your words.

You ask that we be in Your words,“Systematic and completely focused; My blueprint stamped throughout in all that you do and say.”(Cont)

Thank You for the action of Your Holy Spirit, who draws our attention to any teaching pertinent to the subject at hand. May we ever learn from and adhere to Your Spirit’s wisdom and guidance.

Let all our work of service be done carefully, joyously and wholeheartedly, for it is the Lord God Almighty we serve, in honour of You Lord Jesus, thankful that You help us be receptive to Your Spirit of faith. May the

results ever be to the glory of the Trinity. Please keep us praying to this end. Amen.

Images by Artist Christine Garwood


Key Themes



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