Sue O’Donnell. 05.10.20
“ filled with the Spirit thanks for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5 v 18, 20)
Thank You for the restful night,
Followed by morning light dawning bright.
Thank You for this new day
With opportunities to serve coming our way.
Thank You for this time of prayer,
A time highly cherished, a time we share.
Thank You for my comfort and security
Within the love of my family.
Thank You for any time well spent,
May all my hours be well meant.
Thank You even for any difficulty,
As these can faith’s stepping stones be.
Thank You dearest Father, for Your Son,
The most holy One I depend upon.
Thank You too, for His acts of love,
Given I am sure, from You above.
Thank You for the anointing Spirit,
Without whom my life has no merit.
Thank You for opening the heavenly gates,
May my life be a journey, as hope awaits.
Thank You for the call of the Almighty Trinity,
A call made in merciful love, offering me sanctity.
Thank You for life’s full meaning, its purpose,
Our consecration by means of the love of Christ Jesus.
Thank You for each and every godly intention,
May it be with all thanks I daily these mention.
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift” (2 Corinthians 9 v 15) which is every grace and favour shown to us, dearest Father, especially in the Lord Jesus’ holy life and sacrificial death as is made known to us by the Spirit. For all that is worthwhile in life and lasting eternally, emanates from this honour. Your love as a Trinity is such a privilege. Thank You!
We are asked to “Let the Kingdom of heaven and living in a right relationship with You be our priority, then everything else we need will be given to us as well.” (Matthew 6 v 33 The Truth) Thank You for this invaluable teaching to live by, so the blessings flow readily. May this be so as we learn to pray and become submissive to Your teaching. Amen.